After Almost a Decade of Nuisance Conditions, a Severely Dilapidated Property is Renewed Within 10 Months Through Receivership
This abandoned property plagued its surrounding community for almost a decade. That’s when the municipality decided enough was enough and petitioned the court to appoint CRG to takeover as receiver. Ten months later, the property looked dramatically different with the nuisance conditions completely abated. Shortly after a new family moved into this home decreasing the likelihood of further issues onsite.
Abandoned Property Before Health and Safety Receivership
Abandoned Property After Health and Safety Receivership
When we arrived onsite following the appointment hearing, we found that the home had been long abandoned and it was in very poor condition. Sections of the roof were missing, there were significant holes in the drywall along with extensive mold, mildew, and decay, and a considerable amount of junk and debris was strewn throughout the property. The municipality had expended their own funds to board up the property in recent years, but there were now some vulnerabilities and we immediately secured the structure to deter anyone from going inside due to the dangers.
California Receivership Group Finds A Private Sector Solution to Keep Receivership Costs and Court Time to a Minimum
California Receivership Group Finds A Private Sector Solution to Keep Receivership Costs and Court Time to a Minimum
Once we completed a full clean-out of the property we recommended a plan to sell the property as-is to a buyer who demonstrated that they had the wherewithal and commitment to renovating the property within six months of the close of escrow. Less than five months after the judge approved that plan, inspectors from the municipality signed off on the new buyer’s work and the complete abatement of all code violations.